GVSU is committed to acting with integrity, 操作透明, and holding itself accountable for performance. This commitment is embedded in the 战略规划过程, implemented in academic and operational practices, and outcomes shared in publications such as the annual 责任报告. 的 大学政策网站 大学董事会(以前在“行政手册”中)和校长内阁(以前在“大山谷手册”中)批准的政策以及某些其他政策(如《欧洲杯押注》和《欧洲杯押注》中所载的政策)的权威地点是哪里.
GVSU还寻求为我们需要向当前和未来的学生披露的信息提供方便的访问, 家庭, current and prospective employees and the community. 本网站的目的是提供所需的信息和其他有用的资源, 以符合高等教育法(经修订)和其他联邦和州法规的方式包装.
以下是学生、家庭和公众特别感兴趣的材料链接. 参考 教职员工 page for information especially relevant for employees. 请 欧洲杯押注 with questions about the site or to make suggestions for improvements.
General Institutional Information
Budget and Performance Transparency Reporting
Consumer Information on College Navigator Site*
- *This link connects the user to the U.S. Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics, which provides 26 types of information about GVSU, e.g., 学费, 金融援助, 净价, 欧洲杯押注, 欧洲杯押注, 留校率和毕业率, 项目/专业, 大学运动队, 认证, campus security and cohort default rates.
版权 Infringement-Policies and Sanctions (“数码媒体政策”)
Department of Education- State Authorizations and On Line Programs
Facilities and Resources for Students with Disabilities
Collection of Mobile Phone Numbers
大峡谷州立大学收集学生、教师和工作人员的手机号码. 这些手机号码不对外共享,只在校内使用:
- assist with GVSU network password resets
- share university internal communications (text and phone calls)
- allow notifications through GVSU’s emergency contact notification system
- 卓越原则: GVSU提供了美国.S. 退伍军人计划管理人员确认我们有意遵守13607号行政命令,并在美国.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website as a "Principles of Excellence" school.
- 学费资助计划: GVSU signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. 因此,我们有资格继续参与现役军人的学费援助计划. Click on the "Participating Institutions" tab, 选择“Michigan”作为“State”," enter 00226800 in the "Search" field, and click on "提交" to verify our participation.
VA Education Benefits (GVSU Registrar)
Privacy of Student 记录-Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Student Location Policy for Licensure Programs
披露的信息 for Professional Licensure and Certification
部门. of Education - Tier 2 Compliance (Cash Management)
- Transfer of Credit Policies - From Academic Policies and Regulations (来自在校生 & 研究生目录)
- Transfer of Credit Policies - Additional Information (来自在校生 & 研究生目录)
- 课程或者类似的东西
宪法日是美国联邦政府的一个纪念活动,它承认美国宪法的通过和那些已经成为美国宪法的人.S. 公民. It is normally observed on September 17, 1787年的这一天,参加制宪会议的代表们在费城签署了宪法. 每年, GVSU的豪森斯坦中心举办了一场纪念宪法日的教育活动. 的 list of events can be found at 过去的宪法日活动.
Financial Assistance for Students
Graduation and Retention (Student Outcomes)
Career and Job Placement Services
Graduate and Professional Education Placement for Graduates (从资源下拉选项卡中选择毕业生成果,以查看我们当前的第一目的地年度报告).
- *This link connects the user to an NCAA website. Choose 大峡谷州立大学 from the "School" list. It isn't necessary to specify other search criteria such as conference, sport, 等.
毕业生就业安排 (从资源下拉选项卡中选择毕业生成果,以查看我们当前的第一目的地年度报告).
毕业生的就业率 (f从“资源”下拉选项卡中选择“毕业生成果”,以查看我们当前的“第一目的地年度报告”).
Licensure and Certification Exam Success Rates
Teacher Preparation Program Report (Michigan Test for Teacher Certification - Annual Institution Report)
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (includes crime statistics, fire statistics, safety and security policies)
- 公共安全部门为Allendale和大急流城校区维护每日犯罪记录,可以在正常工作时间亲自在Allendale校区服务大楼的大山谷警察局或位于Watson St SW 609的大山谷安全部门查看Allendale事件, 大急流城, MI 49504 for incidents at the 大急流城 Campuses, 梅耶尔的校园, 底特律的校园, the Muskegon and Traverse City Campuses. 如有要求,可致电(616)331-3255与大峡谷警察局联系,提供打印件.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
- GVSU Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy
- GVSU Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy Handbook (From the Alcohol and Other Drugs Services website)
- 两年期酒精和毒品报告
设施服务安全经理维护发生在Allendale校园学生宿舍的火灾日志. Allendale校区的日志可以在服务大楼的设施服务客户服务台查看. 如有要求,可致电(616)331 -3000与设施服务部门联系,提供打印件. 的 daily fire log for the Robert C. 皮尤大急流城校区位于大河谷公共安全部-大急流城校区,位于沃森街609号, 大急流城, MI 49504. 如有要求,可在正常工作时间内致电(616)331-3255与公共安全部门联系,提供打印件.
European Union - General Data Protection Regulation
通用数据保护条例2016/679 (GDPR)是欧盟法律中欧洲杯押注网页欧盟和欧洲经济区内所有个人数据保护和隐私的法规.
大峡谷州立大学(GVSU)致力于保护欧盟居民的个人数据,以遵守5月25日生效的法规, 2018.
GVSU的部门收集, 使用和/或共享个人数据,维护自己的隐私,披露并同意遵守GDPR. 的se documents can be found here:
Office of Sponsored Programs – Human Research
Padnos International Center – 出国留学
Padnos International Center – International Students
Program Integrity (Consumer Protection)
欧洲杯押注鼓励对学校政策和/或消费者保护问题有投诉的学生和准学生首先与适当办公室的工作人员解决他们的问题, department or college whose area of responsibility covers the complaint. 大学的行政部门将根据需要参与处理投诉.
根据《欧洲杯押注网页》(34 C.F.R. 668.43) established by the Department of Education on October 29, 2010, 以下联系方式用于提交在参与上述流程后仍未解决的投诉. Complaints concerning broad institutional academic practices, 例如那些提出有关大学是否有能力达到认证标准的问题, 可转发至 高等教育委员会 at 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604-1413. Complaints concerning consumer protection violations may be directed to the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Michigan, Consumer Protection Division, P.O. Box 30213, Lansing, MI 48909-7713.